Friday, April 12, 2013

30 Days: "There's a Big Humongous Scary Monster Under My Bed"

There’s a Big Humongous Scary Monster Under My Bed
By Jennifer Jones Smith 

I know there is a big humongous scary monster under my bed because
I can hear him snore at night.
Sometimes he moans and groans
like he is having a nightmare.
And he smells really bad!

You can never be too careful when you have
a big humongous scary monster under your bed.
If I hang my book over the edge of my bed
Maybe he will take it.
If I dangle my feet over the edge of my bed
Maybe he will tickle my toes.
Or worse, if I peek over the edge of my bed
Maybe he will bite my nose off.
That would look awfully silly!

Maybe he is a slippery slimy monster
With an eyeball in the middle of his forehead.
If he slobbered a wad of slime on me
I’d be trapped in bed forever!
If he is a monster from outer space
he might put me in his flying saucer
and take me far away!
Maybe he is a dinosaur monster
with gigantic teeth like a t-rex.
He could eat me in one huge bite!

I want to get that big humongous scary monster
out from under my bed.
If I turned on my mom’s opera music
and sang along as loud as I could
would he leave or just cover his ears?
If I put my pet tarantula under the bed
would it scare him away
or would he just gobble it up like a snack?
Ah, hah! A snack. That’s an awesome idea!
Mom made my favorite today—peanut butter cookies.
I’ll hide a cookie under my pillow for tonight.

It’s bedtime. Time to get that big humongous scary monster
out from under my bed.     
I’ll make a trail out my door.         [He is breaking the cookie and making a trail from the     
                                                             bed out his door.]

Now I’ll wait in bed until that big humongous scary monster
comes out from under my bed.
SNIFF! SNIFF! SNIFF!                                           [The monster under the bed is sniffing.]
I hope he doesn’t see me.                         [The boy covers his eyes with his hands.]         
CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!                                       [The monsters claws are tapping the floor as he
                                                                         climbs out from under the bed.]
I hope he doesn’t scratch me.                   [Boy puts pillow in front of front of face.]
I hope he doesn’t eat me!                          [Boy hides under bed covers.]
I think he’s outside the door now.
I should shut it.
But what if he gets me?
AAAAAAAA!                                                    [The monster jumps in bed with the boy.]
Oh, Skippy!
I’m glad YOU were the big humongous scary monster under my bed!


Yamile said...

Cute story! Perfect and fun picture book!

Marion Steiger said...

So cute. It has just the right amount of scary.

Julie Daines said...

Very fun and just the right amount of intense for a picture book. Loved it!