Sunday, April 21, 2013

30 Days: "Daddy Says...."

Daddy says . . .

By Samuel Noall

Daddy says that there is a car called a hot rod and another called a smart car. And that there is a car

pool lane.

Mommy says that there are microwaves in the air.

Daddy says that the wind is driving the storm and that it's going to rain cats and dogs.

Mommy says that the time flew by.

Daddy said I was a fish out of water once.

Mommy says that her nose runs and her feet smell.

Daddy says a picture is worth a thousand words.

Mommy says that we are driving her up the wall and that she is going to lose her mind.

Daddy says we have an Adam's apple.

Mommy says I'm all thumbs.

Daddy says I should always look on the bright side.

Mommy just said are you listening ? Get your head out of the clouds.

Daddy once said I'm as big headed as a mule.

Mommy told me to hold your horses.

Daddy told us to jump in the car while he runs into the house.

Sometimes Mommy says I'm a turkey.

Daddy says that in the Book of Mormon they take up arms.

Mommy says that I am a carrot top and my brother is a toe head.

Written by 9 year old Samuel, son of Mattie Noall. Pictured below with his family & his favorite author, Brandon Mull. Samuel is the one in black with the green belt.


Mashua7 said...

Actually Samuel is 10 but that's close enough. The story was inspired by "The king who rained" by Fred Gwynne. Think of these phrases like a kid would. Illustrations would put more meaning to the story.

Scott said...

Brilliant! I loved reading this, and didn't even realize it was written by a kid until I got to the end.

Julie Daines said...

The King Who Rained was one of my favorites growing up. These are clever and fun! Thanks Samuel!

Jen said...

Excellent story, Samuel! You're quite a writer already!

Marion Steiger said...

Hi Samuel, Have they told you yet to grow up and act your age but don't get too big for your britches? They probably will one day.
It makes you wonder why adults can't say what they mean.
Don't ever stop loving words because I loved your story.

Taffy said...

Loved it! Good job, Samuel!

Celesta said...

So clever and observant about the crazy things we say! Great job, Samuel! Keep writing!

Bruce Luck said...

Awesome writing, Samuel. How did you get your picture taken with Brandon Mull?

Yamile said...

Good job, Samuel! I didn't know a kid had written it until the end either. On the other hand, don't we "children's writers" strive for this freshness and purity in our writing? I know I do. Way to go!!!!