Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaYes or NaNo?

All week long I’ve debated. To NaNo or not.

I didn’t have a story idea and I’ve got a couple other works-in-progress I’m ready to attend to. Should I work on them and count them for NaNoWriMo?. Technically, that would be cheating. 

One day I’m in, the next day I was out. I woke up Wednesday morning and said definitely no. By the end of the day I had an idea. So much for plotting. I did have one day, Halloween, to throw together a very rough outline. Scary.

Officially, I’m in. One day down, 29 to go.

I worked on it for about three hours today and managed to get almost 900 words. Not all of the time was spent on actual writing. Planning and plotting took up the remainder. Outlining seems to be the way to go. It took up time, but 900 words in an hour and a half is fast for me and I credit that to knowing where the story was going. KM Weiland spends weeks or months outlining, so I feel I got good mileage out to of the little I put into it.

How about your NaNo day #1? Hope it went well.

(This article also posted at

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I was the SAME way-- totally wishy-washy. Then November hit. And I was sorta in. Then life sorta pushed me out. So now I have to find a way to alter it to fit my life of chaos.

:) Thanks for your post! Totally applied to me today.