Sorry I've been a little scare around these parts recently. I've been on holiday in England and Scotland for the past two weeks with my family.
Growing up, I lived in London for about a year and a half, studying history and literature at the Brigham Young University London Study Abroad Center where my dad was the director. I never tire of seeing the places that inspired the Greats of English literature.
Since we traveled with all four kids, we didn't go to all my favorite places, but here are a few that inspired me this trip.
Hill Top Farm, home of Beatrix Potter. Situated on the edge of a tiny village in the Lake District, you can see where Beatrix Potter's love of the countryside, it's four legged inhabitants, and it's remarkable people influenced her drawings and stories. I was so inspired standing here at the birthplace of children's literature.

Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. The south transept of Westminster Abbey is dedicated to the great composers and writers over the ages. Buried here include Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Tennyson, Handel, and Chaucer.
Some of those named are not buried here, but are commemorated by plaques on the floor and walls. A few notables are Lewis Carroll, Blake, Wordsworth, Jane Austen, the Brontes.
The awesomeness of this place is overwhelming.
So, now that I'm back and filled with awe, I'm inspired to write, write, write--and to take my writing up a notch and make it the best I possibly can.
If you want to see what I'm in love with from these places, see my post at
What places have inspired your writing?
What a fun trip. I'm super jealous.
How old are your kids? My wife and I keep talking about our "European Trip" in the future, but we can't decide when a good time would be.
I'll hop on over to your personal blog to find out more. :)
Our kids are 18, 17, 13, and 10. Our oldest just graduated so we felt like this was our last chance before he took off for college. They loved it!
We took our two older boys a few years ago, and they also loved it, but they hardly remember it now, so I feel like it was a little wasted.
It’s just information I needed to compile for myself as
someone at the submitting stage but it’s nice to know it’s
helping other writers. Come on everyone, we can do it!
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