Thursday, July 21, 2011

Harriet Beecher Stowe

(Excerpt from The Literary Ladies)

"I was married when I was twenty-five to a man rich in Greek and Hebrew and Latin and Arabic, and alas, rich in nothing else...But then I was abundantly furnished with wealth of another sort. I had two little curly headed twin daughters to being with and my stock in this line has gradually increased until I have been the mother of seven children, the most beautiful and most loved of whom lies buried near my Cincinnati residence. It was his dying bed and at his grave that I learned what a poor slave mother may feel when her child is torn away from her...Some of my friends, pitying my trials, copied and sent a number of little sketches from my pen to certain liberally paying "Annuals" with my name. With the first money that I earned in this way I bought a feather-bed!"

Don't you love her story? Through her life, whenever Harriet needed a new carpet or there wasn't enough money in the bank, she asked a friend to babysit her children for the day so she could write. In this way she became an author.
One day the Stowes met escaped slaves and got to hear about their plights. This was the driving force for Harriet to use her talent to give slavery a human face. Because she was still raising a family, Harriett's writing dream was put on hold but soon Uncle Tom's Cabin was published and became the bestselling novel of the nineteenth century and the second bestselling right behind the Bible.

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