Saturday, July 6, 2013

SCBWI social

The local SCBWI chapter is holding a social event next Friday, July 12. It is a potluck dinner and the topic is social media. It is a social social.

Having a book written is one thing. Getting it published is something else. Nowadays, publishers want to see evidence that the author will be assisting in marketing the thing. Having an online presence is one way to do that.

The SCBWI event is designed to help writers in that regard. Participants are asked to bring their social media tips written on pieces of paper. I assume that means to make multiple copies to share with others.

The event will convene July 12 at 6:30 in Liberty Park in Salt Lake City. The best way to enter the park is from 13th South at 6th East. We hope to have a pavilion, but if that doesn’t come about, bring a lawn chair to sit on.

There will be food, but as at any potluck, there is no fre
e lunch. YA writers are asked to bring a main dish to share, MG people side dishes, PB writers should bring dessert, and illustrators are asked to bring chips and dips.

Membership in SCBWI is a must for any children’s writer. The local organization is trying to present periodic events for writers to come together, choosing locations in Ogden, Salt Lake, and Utah counties to make it convenient for as many along the Wasatch Front as possible.

We’re all in this thing to write good books. The communal sharing of ideas is a wonderful thing. Through shared experience lift the craft of writing. We can better sell ourselves as writers.

Come be social at the social. Hope to see you at Liberty Park.

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