Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog Spotlights: Scott Rhoades

Scott has been with this blog since the get-go and I appreciate that more I can adequately write. Bringing in his own unique humor and style and his understanding of new technology, Scott does a great job of keeping all of us going. Check out his website and, like me, you'll be wanting to read more!


Julie Daines said...

The truth is, Scott is pretty darn smart! And funny. His writing has been entertaining our crit group for a long time. (And I mean that only in a positive way!) His stories are a perfect mix of adventure, peril, gross, and humor. Alas, they may be a little remiss in the kissing department...

And he has the best recipe for shark meat... But I'll let him tell about that one.

Taffy said...

And WHEN Scott is published, we all get to say we know him! His writing is funny and descriptive (sometimes groudy) and perfect for boys! :)