Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some of Nathan Bransford's Commandments for the Happy Writer

by Deren Hansen

In the spirit of new years and resolutions, I offer the following:

As part of his week of being optimistic in March 2009, agent Nathan Bransford posted his Ten Commandments for the Happy Writer. The last few resonated with me and bear repeating. (Besides, a smidge more than a year-and-a-half-ago is ancient history in Internet time.)

8. Park your jealousy at the door. Writing can turn ordinary people into raving lunatics when they start to believe that another author's success is undeserved. Do not begrudge other writers their success. They've earned it. Even if they suck.

9. Be thankful for what you have. If you have the time to write you're doing pretty well. There are millions of starving people around the world, and they're not writing because they're starving. If you're writing: you're doing just fine. Appreciate it.

10. Keep writing. Didn't find an agent? Keep writing. Book didn't sell? Keep writing. Book sold? Keep writing. OMG an asteroid is going to crash into Earth and enshroud the planet in ten feet of ash? Keep writing. People will need something to read in the resulting permanent winter.

Deren blogs daily at The Laws of Making.
Image: Photography by BJWOK /

1 comment:

Julie Daines said...

These were great. Thanks for posting them.