Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ready, Set, Go! NaNoWriMo!

So, it's October 31st 11:55 pm . . . for most people, that means you are doing one of 2 things - recovering from an onslaught of candy gobbling gouls, or you are out on the town dressed like a piece of sushi, or cat woman, or any number of other things. . . but October 31st means something entirely different for writers - it's 5 minutes until - yes, that's it - NaNoWriMo!
If you are chomping at the bit to get going on your National Novel Writing Month entry to write a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days, or if you are like me - tentatively dipping your proverbial toes into the water for the very first time, here are 5 tips to help you make NaNoWriMo a success:

1. Start November 1st.
2. try to write at least 1,700 words a day - this gives you a little bit of a buffer so if you don't make 1,667 words on a few days, you will still end up with 50,000 words by the end of November.
3. Ignore your internal editor and save the edits for later.
4. block out a set time for writing every day and let your family know that you are going to be writing and to keep distractions to a minimum!
5. stick to the basic plot - you can fill in sub plots and complicated foreshadowing and flesh out minor characters later.
6. (OK - so I said 5 earlier - so sue me!) make sure that you reward yourself for hitting the benchmarks.

I know I am one of those NaNoWriMo newbies, so maybe it will help you to know that all of these tips were gleaned off of other blogs from people who have actually finished NaNoWriMo :) and besides, I have been thinking about doing this for a few years now - doesn't that count for something?

OK - 1, 2, 3, Break!

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