Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Modern Middle-Grade Classics

This Thursday (May 11) the #mglitchat on Twitter will be about modern classics. If you want to join the discussion, hop on Twitter at 7 PM Mountain Time, 9:00 Eastern and search for #mglitchat.

In case you haven't heard of #mglitchat before, I'll explain what it is. Several writers (many published--you might even recognize some of them) and even some editors and agents get together weekly to discuss a topic having to do with Middle Grade books. I usually keep Amazon open in another tab to keep track of all the book recommendations that come up in the chats.

For those of you who do the #pitchwars thing, several of the mentors participate, so this is a good opportunity to get to know them and what they like.

#mglitchat has become a part of my weekly routine. It is always worth the hour spent reading tweets.

1 comment:

grace said...
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